
Installation example video

Thickness gauge


The capacitance between the parallel metal plate electrodes in Figure1 is

C=ɛɛr ─

ɛo:Dielectric constant of vacuum(=Air)
ɛr:Ratio of permittivity of insulator and vacuum
Dielectric constant of insulator=ɛɛr


If you insert an insulator with a dielectric constant of ɛr between the electrodes, the capacitance will be ɛr times that of the empty one.


If an object with a thickness of t is inserted while keeping the distance between the electrodes d, the capacitance will change depending on the thickness.

In addition, it is possible to measure minute displacements on the submicron order, fine powder concentration, and fine powder flow rate.


This is a graph of the capacitance change when the distance d between two electrodes with a detection area of φ20 is set to 11 mm and an acrylic plate of 1 to 10 mm is inserted there.
You can measure 0.05μm when the electrode spacing d is 1mm with our product, which has high sensitivity of 10-3pF/.
If the thickness of the object is uneven you can compensate by adjusting.

Product what was used  HC-102FN