Emulsification control1 Margarine, hand cream etc.
This is an application example of a moisture value in oil meter.
Are you stirring more than necessary to prevent the product from becoming an unemulsified product that separates over time?
Our products bring you reduced working time and stable product supply.
You put water in oil. and stir it.
At first, oil and water are completely separate.
Emulsified particles becomes smaller by stirring.Finally, It will completely emulsify.
If you use our products, you can capture these change in real time.The flow go through the sensor alternately oil, water by stirring.
When emulsified particles becomes small, the output variation range is reduced.
Our products can determine that you have to stop stirring or continue.
Emulsification control2 Margarine, hand cream etc.
You can monitor and control the degree of emulsification when stirring oil and water.
Even if you add a certain amount of water at certain time intervals, the results will be different if there are impurities in the oil or there are changes in the oil. So you can use this product for oil condition management.
If you want to consistently produce uniform products, controlling or monitoring with capacitance measurement is the best option.
Product what was used CM-Series